
For people with disabilities and their families

The following resources can help you support our mission to link congregations, organizations, and individuals who wish to start or strengthen the inclusion and contributions of people with disabilities and their families in the faith communities of their choice. Use the plus signs to expand each menu item and find the information you need.

Putting Faith To Work: A Guide for Congregations and Communities
The Putting Faith to Work (PFTW) project empowers faith communities to support people with disabilities as they find and maintain employment aligned with their gifts, passions, and skills. The project’s manual, titled “Putting Faith To Work: A Guide for Congregations and Communities,” offers a step-by-step approach to support people with disabilities in finding meaningful employment aligned with their gifts, passions, and skills. The manual is available online for $10 in English and Spanish. View a flyer about the guide (PDF).
Accessibility Presentation for Central Texas Faith and Disability Network
These presentation slides (PDF) provide information about the Central Texas Faith and Disability Network, an initiative that supports inclusion for people with disabilities in local faith communities.
Things You Could Do Now (or soon) to Increase Accessibility 
TxDFN and the Texas A&M Center on Disability and Development put together this list of six things you could do now to increase accessibility for people with disabilities. Download a PDF version of the list.
  • Caption videos that you show in church or have on your website (captions help the elderly members of your church, those for whom English is a second language, and Deaf/hard of hearing members).
  • If you have a “special needs and/or disability” ministry or other initiatives related to accessibility, include them on your website. 
  • Make sure there is seating for individuals using a wheelchair in various parts of your sanctuary (not just in the front or back). 
  • Describe any images that you use in sermons/teachings so that those with visual disabilities know what others are seeing. 
  • Encourage discussions about mental health and acceptance. 
  • Assume that there will be people with disabilities at your services. Brainstorm ways that you can be more inclusive.